Display Advertising Management
With top-notch display advertising management, you can’t complain that people are banner-blind. We’ll make sure that your display ads get your brand seen (and sold).
Display Advertising Management
“Display ads are dead,” they’ve said. “People are banner-blind,” we’ve heard. And all that may be true — if you’re not doing it right. At V9, we know that display advertising, when planned, executed, and managed by experts, still works. With our display advertising management services, we keep brands visible, retarget their ideal audiences, and increase conversions… without wasting ad spend or space online.
What is display advertising management?
Today, display ads come in a variety of sizes and mediums — some even have videos, pop-ups, sound, and more. All of this is done in an effort to attract new customers and increase brand awareness by placing ads in just the right places at just the right time. And with display advertising management, brands can benefit from more guided ads, better placements, and stronger conversions without wasting a ton of internal resources.
A display advertising manager can help with all elements of a display ad campaign, from timing and placement to copy and visual. But for truly effective display ads, your display ad manager needs to have an in-depth understanding of your buyer personas, where they “live” online, and the sort of visuals, messages, and mediums they’re most receptive to. If managers don’t blend all of these elements together, your display ad campaigns will become just another expensive mistake.
At V9, we offer display advertising management that infuses your buyer personas into every element of ad strategy and execution, so you get better results without lifting a finger.
What to expect from display advertising management
At V9, our display ad aficionados possess the secret to success: a deep and true awareness of a brand’s audience. Because display ads can be totally overlooked if they don’t speak to people as they browse the net, we take the time up front to understand your buyer personas, what interests them, and where they’re most likely to see and engage with your ads. Once we get crystal clear on who we’re trying to speak to with these ads, we look at your current display ad strategies (if you have any) to see what’s been working and who’s been seeing or clicking those ads. This deep dive into the data lets us create a plan that focuses on what’s working so we don’t waste any more time or money on less effective ad platforms.
After that, it’s time to start creating the ads that are going to get you results. We work with your team (or on our own, if you’re the hands-off, let-the-professionals-work type) to craft copy and visuals that are true to your brand. We handle the graphic design and technical elements of ads, as well, which ensures they’re optimized for the intended platforms. And once primo display ads are created, it’s time to launch!
Our hawk-eyed display ad managers then wait for the data to roll in. By consistently and proactively tracking your display ads, we’re able to pinpoint when you gain or lose traction on an ad, and which platforms seem to resonate best with your audience. After our initial report, it’s a matter of expertly reiterating and improving upon what works and doesn’t.
Bottom line: We’ll manage everything, from first concepts to ongoing iterations, so your team doesn’t have to.
Is display advertising management right for your business?
You know those display ads that seem to follow you after searching for a product or service? More often than not, you’ll eventually click “Buy” — and it’s because those ads didn’t let you forget. This function of display ads is about more than CTR or impressions; it’s about increasing brand awareness, targeting ideal buyers, and making sure you’re always seen by the people you want to turn into loyal customers.
If you’re getting minimal returns on display advertising or don’t know how to manage your efforts properly, V9’s ad team can fix that. Light up the bat signal; we’re ready.