Why You Should Allocate Media Spend to Social Media Boosting

Marketers get this question a lot from clients: Is it worth spending money boosting social media posts? And the quick answer is yes, it is.

Boosting provides opportunities to increase engagement, expand audience reach, and most importantly, it works. Organic reach is on the decline, and with algorithms constantly changing, it becomes more challenging to get organic content in front of all the users you want to reach. Every post on your social media channels should contain high-quality and engaging content making it worth at least a few dollars to boost. Need more reasons why you should be boosting?

#1 It’s Affordable

You may think you need a large advertising budget to begin boosting, but a few dollars can go a long way. Compared to other traditional advertising like tv, radio, and print, social media boosting is very cost-effective. You can expect to pay around $6 per 1000 views for boosted posts on average. The cost will ultimately depend on your target audience, as well as the number of people you’re trying to reach.

#2 Define Your Target Audience

When you boost, you have control in determining who will see your posts and define what groups are your target audiences. Choose a location, age, gender, education, interests, relationship status, and more to determine the specific groups of consumers most likely to want your product or service. You can create multiple audiences depending on the content and even select behavior traits associated with similar brands or products. You also have the option to choose people who currently like your page or your followers plus their friends.

#3 Capitalize on Popular Posts

If one of your posts performs well organically, it makes sense to boost or promote it, knowing that the content will most likely do well with a larger audience. Or, if you see good results from a current boosted post, you can extend the duration and budget to increase its visibility. By quickly seeing how users respond and engage with the post, you can create future posts using the same content strategy.

#4 Quickly See What’s Working and What’s Not

By boosting a post, you get access to various analytics that show how well the post is performing. If you see a boosted post performing well on one platform, it can be a strong signal to promote the same content on another social media channel. Since boosting is affordable, implement A/B testing with two posts and boost them together to see how different audiences respond. With this data, you can learn what content works best and refine your strategy.

#5 Build Impressions and Engagement Faster

Both impressions and engagement are critical to increasing brand awareness. The more impressions, the more people are viewing your content. The next step is having your audience engage with your content through interactions such as likes, comments, shares, retweets, etc. Boosting provides both at a faster rate. By boosting just some of your posts, you increase the likelihood your impressions and engagement will grow. If you are working on a limited budget, save your boosted posts for important announcements, events, limited deals, and sales to maximize exposure.

#6 Build New Followers

Gaining new followers takes time, especially when you are trying to build your audience on several platforms. Boosting is an efficient way to grow your audience and get new users to see your content repeatedly. This is a crucial step to building rapport and gaining trust with new followers. Also, since Facebook’s organic reach is less than 5%, boosting ensures that your current followers continue to see and engage with your content to stay connected.