Social Media Information

social media2We often get asked about Social Media and how to use it in online marketing & search efforts. As an Internet Marketing firm, we love hearing our clients ask about the latest Internet buzz. Before you get sleepy from too much turkey at the end of the month, let’s talk a bit about social media. We’ll post a few blogs this month helping you navigate the social media landscape – from what it is to how to use it to whether or not it affects SEO.

Part 1 – Social Media Information – An Overview

Social Media is a branding play. It can expand your overall footprint on the web and make your brand more visible by being active in many different spaces where users engage. Social media efforts are often associated with:

  • Public Relations
  • Customer Service
  • Loyalty Building
  • Collaboration
  • Networking
  • Thought Leadership

Your participation in spaces like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube among others provides an avenue to establish an identity within your industry’s community. This identity is also know as your ‘profile’. Keep it consistent – become the thought leader across all of your social media outlets. Or use social media to promote your company’s offers. It will benefit your loyal customers to hear the same message across various sources and portray that message to their network of friends & acquaintances – both on and offline.

Once you have established an identity for yourself in social media, the next question is ‘how to portray it?’ Users of social media are typically reading, reviewing, commenting or engaging with video, pictures or audio. They consume social media actively and your messaging and presence in the community is what they are munching on.

So give them what they want! Create a video about your services – it could be serious or comical. Contribute through written messages on Twitter & Facebook. Or respond to reviews of your products and services. You’d be surprised how many people take note of a CEO or marketing head adding a positive comment to a negative review or discussion.

There are lots of conversations taking place online. Social Media is all about joining these conversations and creating a presence for your voice.