Quality Over Quantity

Each day there seems to be a new update or feature on the endless social media apps available. As digital marketers, we are expected to keep up. We should be informed of the latest trends and the functionality of each of these platforms. When and how to utilize them best to meet our goals. However, we shouldn’t go crazy posting on every platform posting multiple times a day. The old saying still rings true, especially in digital marketing: quality over quantity.

People are inundated with online information from morning till night. Creating quality content helps to ensure your brand and business stand out from all the noise. Here are some tips to connect more with your audience through quality content.

1. Focus on engagement
Gaining a large following has its place, especially when trying to increase brand awareness. However, if these followers aren’t engaging with your content, they won’t stick around, and if they aren’t interacting with your content regularly, they won’t see it consistently. Quality content always wins, especially when viewers crave and expect authenticity and transparency.

2. Be careful of oversharing
The average social media user sees between 6,000 and 10,000 ads daily, and of these, only about 150 catches the eye. Talk about information overload! Posting content repetitively isn’t guaranteed to get through. It can sometimes do the opposite. Consumers may get turned off and view your brand as spammy. Although the number of interactions may initially increase traffic to your site, it won’t necessarily result in a high conversion rate.

3. Know your target audience
Who are your consumers? Where do they spend their time? Where do they get their information? Gathering this research beforehand will help determine where you want to spend your efforts and money online. If your target audience isn’t on TikTok, don’t waste your time and energy on that platform just because it’s popular. Work on crafting targeted, strategic, and relevant content on your viewers’ platforms rather than trying to reach a generalized audience.

4. Consistency is key
Nothing is more thrilling than seeing a post or ad you put blood, sweat, and tears into getting the attention and engagement it deserves. But don’t ride this wave too long and go completely dark celebrating your success. Build on that momentum and post consistently to continue building your relationship with your consumers. Now that you know what resonates with your audience, take this information to your next post without 100% duplicating it to develop more quality content and build brand loyalty.

5. Make it a positive user experience
Marketing products, brands, and services require an effective digital strategy that includes quality content, but user experience plays a significant role. Often, brands focus more on the product and content than they do the customer. We all know one bad customer experience can be detrimental and spread like wildfire, especially on social media. However, a satisfied customer can also impact a brand’s success as recommendations, and user-generated feedback are well received in purchasing decisions.

6. Use a Tool for Quantitative Assessment
Although “quality” can be a really subjective test, there are some tools that can help you assess if your content is hitting the mark. One example is Clearscope, which will give you insights on your page based on the topic you are focused on, including page length & what topics you might have forgotten to include. Another great example is SEMRush and the content audit available in that tool, which can help you evaluate content you’ve already got published.

Looking for more help on developing successful content? We’re happy to help, contact us today!