How to Optimize Content: The Essential Checklist [Infographic]

By now, you’ve heard that you should be blogging – not only does high-quality content boost organic traffic to your site, but it also helps to reduce your bounce rate and can be an effective way to drive users down the funnel. Unfortunately, you likely won’t see these results from tossing up a short blog whenever you think of it.

Proper content strategy and optimization can have powerful effects on your business. However, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when figuring out how to write content that will be ranked highly in Google and attract users to your blog. So, how to you optimize your content?

Content optimization doesn’t have to be a mystery – in fact, there are a few easy things you can do that will help boost your blog in the SERPs. We’ve put together your essential Content Optimization Checklist. Before publishing your blog post, make sure that you’ve checked off every item on the list, and you’ll be well on your way to great, optimized blog content!

Content Optimization Checklist

Simple things like a good page title, meta description, or call to action on a page can make huge differences in optimizing content. Use these tried and true best practices for every blog post, evergreen page, or other content you are posting on your site.

Downloadable Content Optimization Checklist

Want a copy of the V9 Content Optimization Checklist? Click here to download a PDF version (993 KB)